Job openings

On this page of SIRG SoNeAt’s website, we list current job openings in our coordinating board members’ labs and beyond. Please check regularly for updates!

Fully Funded three-year PhD Scholarship in the SoNeAt Lab from October 2023

We have a fully funded three-year UK Home PhD position available in the SoNeAt Lab from October 2023.

The studentship (36 months) consists of an annual living costs stipend (at least £17,668 per year) and covers yearly UK home tuition fees. Please note that, therefore, only UK home applicants are eligible for the studentship.

The PhD project is a collaboration between the SoNeAt Lab and the Synapse Centre for Neurodevelopment, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT).

Project title: How children get “in sync” with their caregivers and how optimal synchrony benefits child development, health and wellbeing

Please check all further information and requirements in the job description (click on image on the left). If you have any informal queries about this opportunity, please contact the SoNeAt Lab (contact form below) or our PI Dr Pascal Vrticka (contact information). Thank you.

Graduate students & postdoctoral fellow for LOVING project in Singapore

LOVING stands for Learning about Our behavior is Valuable for Increasing Nurturing relationships and healthy Growth.

The LOVING project is a newly funded 5-6 year program that will examine the impact of improving sensitive caregiving to influence children’s executive functioning (EF) and emotional and physical wellbeing in Singapore.

Singapore is a modern city-state in Southeast Asia with a diverse population. English is widely spoken and is the de facto official language, with Mandarin, Tamil, and Bahasa Melayu also commonly spoken. The majority of the work will occur in Singapore; however, some Project Collaborators work outside of Singapore.

If you, or anyone you know, might be interested in a graduate student or postdoctoral role with LOVING please see the below documents and/or email

Openings in the SoNeAt Lab (University of Essex, UK)

Please also check SoNeAt Lab’s website for regular updates on open positions for BSc, MSc and PhD students as well as postdoctoral researchers.